Blitz (234/640)

From:David McMinn
Date:31 Aug 99 at 09:17:13
Subject:Re: string -> float,... HUH?

Hi Rob, working late?

On 31 Aug 99, at 5:36, Rob Hutchinson wrote:

> Seen as both James and Daves routines gave different answers,
> I asume they were both wrong???? ;)

Well, James' one would have been right. I think I missed out some -1's and +1's
when skipping the "e" character.

> Provided that of course 1e23 is a hex number ;)
> But that seems so simple, so I`m probably pissing up the wrong tree ;)

Yep, in fact you're p*ssing up a giant redwood! 1e23 is used in calculators and
stuff to represent 1x10^23.

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